2月20日,北京冬奥会结束后,中国香港《南华早报》(South China Morning Post)就发文盛赞北京冬奥会及闭幕式。文章称,无论以何种标准衡量,无论在赛场上还是赛场外,北京冬奥会都取得了巨大的成功。中国运动员获得9枚金牌、4枚银牌、2枚铜牌,这是历届冬奥会中最成功的一次。《塔皮舍夫盛赞中国举办的北京2022冬奥会》
《不断刷新纪录 北京冬奥为何将载入奥林匹克史册?》
China has delivered a perfect performance to the world at these Winter Olympics, both in hosting the Games and in epidemic prevention. As a result, domestic and foreign media devoted extensive coverage to the event, praising the closing ceremony and declaring the Games a huge success.
After the Games closed on February 20, the South China Morning Post praised the Games and the closing ceremony, asserting that "by any measure, the Winter Olympics have been a resounding success for the host nation, both on and off the ice. China's athletes have enjoyed more success than at any previous Games, taking home nine gold medals, four silver and two bronze, while the 'closed-loop' system largely kept Covid-19 at bay."
On the same day, Russia's RIA Novosti news agency and the Russia Today website, among other outlets, published articles praising the Beijing Winter Olympics.
美通社(PR Newswire)2月21日刊登了一篇名为《北京冬奥会给了世界一个温暖而治愈的拥抱》的文章。文章赞叹,北京冬奥会以新鲜浪漫开始,以欢乐和赞美收尾,这是新冠疫情暴发两年多来首次如期举办的全球体育盛会。在新冠大流行的寒冬中,北京冬奥会给世界各地的人带来温暖和希望,为动荡的世界注入和平与团结的力量。
Screenshot via PR Newswire
Starting with freshness and romance and ending with joy and praise, the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics, the first global sports event to be held as scheduled in more than two years since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, have brought warmth and hope to people from all over the world in the cold winter of the pandemic, and have also injected a valuable force of peace and unity into a turbulent world.
PR Newswire
Screenshot via ABC
Screenshot via BBC